A Christmas message for 2024

A lot has been happening in life since my last post… not surprising, because it was over a year ago. Christmas is the perfect time for reviewing the recent past and thinking ahead into the future. We are living in a particularly important time in history—it could be considered to be the end-game for humanity. So I had a few thoughts about all that…

I did publish a Christmas message last year, as regular visitors to this site (basically only me) will know. But it was so negative that I just didn’t want it online. In that post, I mentioned that 2023 was the first year in my life in which I did not celebrate Christmas, because there was so much suffering happening in Ukraine, the Middle East and yet other corners of the world.

The same suffering is continuing in those same places. But this year, I decided to shake off the silent observation and publish some things that every human being would need to hear and heed in these challenging times.

So, for my own self-preservation, I celebrated Christmas again this year in 2024, as an event in the year during which we can touch base with our spiritual beliefs and emotional well-being.

Dave Café will be re-publishing a book written in the first decade of this century, ‘Science of Soul: The End Time Solar Cycle of Chaos in 2012 A.D.’, written by John Jay Harper.

John Jay Harper also published a documentary to accompany and, to some extent, condense key hypotheses and teachings in the book into an audiovisual form. You can watch it right here on Dave Café: ‘Science of Soul – The End-Time Solar Cycle of Chaos in Era 2012 AD’ by Reality Films.

You can also see it on Dalek Zone:

Sadly, John Jay Harper passed away some years ago and his book has now disappeared from sale or availability. But I actually managed to purchase a copy, and will be transcribing it into chapters.

That’s a mission and a resolution that I’m setting for myself for the New Year.

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